

We believe technology should be an integral part of any educational program. Below is a brief outline of how we use technology in our classrooms.

Primary age children:

  • Become comfortable with the use of computers.

  • Develop problem solving skills and creativity through the use of open ended programs.

  • Practice and enhance academic skills through the use of specific programs to address their needs.

  • Write stories, poems, reports, etc. (especially useful for children who have difficulty forming letters and struggle to put their ideas on paper).

  • Develop language skills as groups of children interact by helping each other, giving directions, making group decisions.

  • Learn beginning keyboard skills.

Intermediate age children:

  • Write stories, poems, reports, etc., editing and making necessary revisions.

  • Gather information from the Internet.

  • Publish finished products using specialized programs such as publishing and graphics programs.

  • Learn and develop programming skills.

  • Practice and enhance academic skills through the use of specific programs to address their needs.

  • Prepare for real life by learning essential computer skills such as keyboarding, use of specific programs, and programming.

In art and music classes children:

  • Gather information.

  • Produce original works with computer programs.

  • Experiment with musical notation and composition.

  • Learn music theory.